Monday, April 18, 2005

How to Avoid Wasting Your Most Valuable Online Asset - Time!

Yesterday was one of the days I sat down at my computere, knowing that I had a lot to do:

--Check on my e-mails and answer them
--Look after new sign-ups in my affiliate programs
--Continue writing my newsletters
--Visit my blogs and publish

...let me just tell you that yesterday was not productive for me. I was distracted and did not set myself a clear goal what I wanted to accomplish. And it's ok; nobody is perfect. I let it go...

Then I came across this letter. Wow! Very timely...

Best regards,



How To Avoid Wasting Your Most Valuable Online Asset - TIME!

by Michael Green


If you're involved in an internet marketing business, then
you've probably already come face-to-face with your #1
enemy - "Time Wasting".

What you need to know is that "Time Is Money". And this
applies even more to the online world, than in regular

You see, anyone can become an online entrepreneur. It
doesn't involve start-up capital or expensive equipment to
start. A low grade PC and a net connection is all you need.

And since cash isn't really a barrier, time-management has
become all the more critical. Your challenge for success is
simply to get more done - in less time.

So what are the greatest online time wasters and what can
you do to avoid them?

1. Retyping the same old thing time and time again.
2. Failing to manage your email effectively.
3. Getting sucked into pointless forum discussions.
4. Failing to set a goal, before you switch the computer on.

Retyping the same old thing time and time again.

This sounds simple. But stop and think how many times you
retype the same old simple information.

Most people have cottoned on to automating their email
signature, but you can go far beyond that when it comes to
communicating words quickly.

Get yourself a clickboard or shortcut extender. This will
enable you to write much faster and prevent you from ever
having to type the same thing twice.

I use this utility, but
there are lots of other useful typing assistant utilities
available. Find a discussion on the subject on my forum:

Failing to manage your email effectively.

I know, there's so much spam flying around, but you should
be attempting to win this war with a few weapons of your
own installed on your computer.

i. Make sure you have a working piece of anti-spam software
set up. Whilst sometimes the wrong messages will get
trapped, the best software will still remove 98% of the
emails that you don't want. Make sure they are filtered
into a junk email file, so you can manually sift
through them afterwards and pull back any that have
been incorrectly assumed to be unwanted.

ii. Set up folders in your inbox and get yourself properly
organized. I keep a folder for SALES, another one for
FEEDBACK and others for JOINT VENTURES + many more.

Getting sucked into pointless forum discussions.

As someone who owns the fastest growing internet marketing
forum, I can tell you the truth.

Forums can be incredible marketing resources, but they can
also crucify huge amounts of your time by sucking you into
discussions that you just don't need to have.

So structure your time and include some forum reading and
posting - but avoid spending wasted hours in protracted
debates with people who are never going to buy from you

Better still sign yourself up to a good weekly forum
roundup and that way you can keep yourself up-to-date, but
without checking in every minute of the day. My own 'How To'
Forum is called TOP POSTS and you can receive it each
Thursday by sending a blank email

Failing to set a goal, before you switch the computer on.

It's so easy to sit down, decide you'll take a quick look at
some website, only to enter a mini-time warp. Three hours
later you look up and discover you've yet to do a thing.

The internet has an uncanny capacity to "Waste Your Time"
and you've got to be resolute in your desire to beat off
the temptation to click all those enticing links.

I avoid this problem by proactively thinking about what I
plan to achieve each day... before I even sit down at my PC.

Remember, by the time you've turned on your monitor... it's
already too late!

To your online success!

Michael Green
Developer of the "Create & Sell Products Online" toolkit.

Well known internet marketer, Michael Green, has built his
name by developing 13 award-winning toolkits - sold online.
BUT... he only works a day a week on his 'How To' business
and other marketers are left wondering how come he has more
hours in his days. Michael has written a toolkit which
reveals all and you can emulate his success by picking up a
copy at CreateAndSellproductsOnline

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