Tuesday, December 21, 2004

An exercise in "Vitality"

As we approach the New Year, we begin to make resolutions and set goals. One of them may be that we resolve to, once and for all, excercise at least 3x per week. I work out on a regular basis throughout the year, and I notice how crowded the fitness center gets in January. By mid February, it fizzles out and just us regulars remain...

Exercise has is not only good for your physical health, but it helps you clear your mind, get rid of stress and anxiety, increase immunity against certain diseases, help you sleep better.

Read this interesting newsletter by my friend and coach David Herdlinger:

Wishing you a healthy 2005!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Life with no Internet for 2 weeks! Could you do it?

Yahoo conducted an experiment with 28 families to test and see what role the Internet plays in their life. In a survey, 48% of folks in the US, said they could not do it!! 137,000,000 people in the US are online.

Follow this link to the report which is extremely interesting to read.

Lessons? - The future of personal and business relationship building is on the internet. Be smart about it! Build your own unique presence on the Web.

I can help. http://www.smartecreation.com

Monday, November 22, 2004

Bring Humor into your work life

Did you know that by the time a child reaches kindergarten, she laughs an average of 300 times per day?

Did you know that 3 minutes of deep-belly laughing is the equivalent of a 3 minute workout on a fitness rowing machine?

Find out why the no pain, no gain philosophy and the prevailing attitude that having fun does not go together with being professional are WRONG!

Read David's article here: http://www.herdlinger.com/unlimitedpotential/nov04b.pdf

If you are a corporate executive, home business entrepreneur or simply someone who wants to grow personally and professionally, I highly recommend that you give David a call. (see contact info in the newsletter) Find out what his coaching can do for you. I did!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Human Side of Ad Tracking

How to Use Emails to Connect With Your Customers and Find Out Why They Really Bought

Do you know why people buy from you?
What part of your offer put them over the edge?

Let's face it, you worked for a long time on your sales copy. You created bonuses, designed a guarantee, sweated over the benefits and how to communicate them. But which of those factors really connect with the buyers? What actually motivated the purchase?

If you knew, you could pump up the benefits and the parts of your offer that really drive sales. But how can you tell?

Actually, it's very easy. You just ask.

I do it every day and it takes me virtually no time or effort to get unbelievable information. How?

I add a simple email to my autoresponder series immediately after a customer purchases.
Here's what mine says:
Sample Email Request
Hi {firstname},

It's Jeff here, from CBmall. I'm doing a bit of market research. Can you tell me how you found out about CBmall? Was it aNewsletter? Ad? Search engine? Do you remember who referred you?

Or perhaps you were reading the 10 Powerful Ways CBmallMakes You Money?
And what specifically made you decide to make the investment? What was the benefit that put you over theedge and turned you into a buyer?

This is important, because soon you will be sending traffic to the mall and this may help the CBmall sales information get better. Which will help you make more money!

Please just reply to this email with the answers.
Thanks so much for your help,
Jeff Mulligan
Every day these emails go out and every day I get valuable information. To me, finding out why people buy is more important than why they don't. (although I try to find that out, too) That's because there are so many reasons a person may not buy, many of which are beyond my control.

But knowing what turns on buyers is a huge benefit to me as I fine tune the copy. For example, here are some of the comments I get:
**** The Results Provide Great Customer Insight ****

“I read all the info and I liked the fact that I did not have to create a web site and a bunch of other stuff. I am new to internet marketing as well as being technically illiterate but I figure I can follow instructions for the most part and you offer the support I will need.”

“Personalized autoresponder and newsletter.”“Reason: The eBook, 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money, made good marketing sense... Also the products on ClickBank - CBmall are terrific and good sellers....”

“I found your ad at clickbank.com”

“I first heard of CBmall from your newsletter which I subscribed to in December but was not convinced. My next step was to get the 10 Powerful Ways CBmall makes you money. This made things much clearer. The number of products available is impressive. The targeted traffic that is shared amongst owners is a useful bonus. The guarantee means no risk, which is essential as I am on a small pension.”

**** What You Can Learn ****
OK let's look at this small sample to see what I can learn from it.

* My ad on the ClickBank web site is working - keep it going.
* I have a lot of beginners who don't have a web site of their own. I should continue to highlight this feature.
* People like the fact that there is a built-in autoresponder that puts their affiliate links on all the messages that go out. It means they get multiple chances to sell. Perhaps I should promote this more.
* My eBook and eCourse, 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money, is working.
* Look at the last message. This is evidence of how important follow-up is. This person waited 3 months before she felt comfortable ordering.
* My guarantee is very important.

While I can only show you a small sample here, there are many more that echo these thoughts. Put them together in your head and you can see clear trends about what features come up most frequently. For me, ease of use, the ClickBank affiliation and the personalized autoresponders are the most common reasons people buy. I have adjusted the sales copy to highlight these features.

What will you find out?

Note for ClickBank affiliates: If you use ClickBank, you know that you get the email address of your customers. You can use that to send a quick email requesting this information.

A word about timing: I have found that this works really well if you send the email out immediately after the purchase. Mine goes out at the same time the thank you email goes out. This way, the reasons are still fresh in the customer's mind, and they are in a very cooperative mood - often quite excited from their purchase and anxious to do anything to help.

How to reply: I set up a simple macro so that I can just hit reply, activate the macro, and hit send. It just takes a few seconds. Mine just says:“Thank you for helping out with your input. I really appreciate it. I look forward to helping you make extra money with your new CBmall.”

Thats all you need, but you should be sure to acknowledge their answers with a reply.

**** How This Helps Your Affiliate Program ****
Here's another great fringe benefit of this tactic. Often customers will specifically mention the newsletter they were reading or the web site they were visiting that first told them about CBmall.When they do, I will frequently copy the email and send it to that newsletter or web site owner. Since these people are my affiliates, it's a great way to show them how their CBmall promotions are working. It also shows them I am paying attention to their business.

Remember that “mind share” is important in keeping your affiliates active and promoting your products. I've garnered considerable good will through these quick little messages.

**** Summary ****
In summary, while ad tracking is vital to learn WHERE your business is coming from, an autoresponder message to find out WHY you got your business is often just as valuable. Implement this simple tactic and give yourself a better understanding of what is working for you. Use that knowledge to fine tune your site for maximum conversions.

Resource Box:Jeff Mulligan has an MBA and 20+ years of marketing experience as an ad agency Senior VP and VP Marketing for two software companies. Jeff owns CBmall, a site that provides 10 different ways for ClickBank affiliates to earn income on 1,997 ClickBank InfoProducts. http://www.smartvaluemall.com

Who is your Guru?

I don't know about you, but I have several advisor or gurus I am seeking out. Jeff Mulligan, who I just met over the phone the other day is one of them. Here is an article from him.

The other day I was talking to a guy at the health club I just joined. (Never had time when I was working for someone else.)

We started talking about our personal trainers. If you aren't familiar with the term, these are fitness experts who are educated to design work-out routines based on an individuals strengths, needs and goals.

Anyway, Rick said something that struck me right between the eyes. "I got so confused reading all the books and fitness magazines. Everyone has a different opinion of what works the best. I finally figured if I was going to work out, I might as well pick one expert, listen to them and follow their program."

Later, as I was driving my sore body home, I thought about how appropriate Rick's comment was to Internet Marketing.

Everyone's an expert. (Even people who have yet to sell their first eBook.) And there are a million programs, books, secrets, techniques and tactics that will work for you.

The problem is, you can easily fall into what my favorite business school professor called, "Analysis Paralysis".
That's where a lot of people are stuck.
They keep reading, and it gets in the way of actually doing something.

***** I was guilty *****

I was guilty of this, too. I must have bought several hundred dollars worth of books and courses before I found what worked for me.

Fortunately, the expert I decided to follow was, in hindsight, an excellent choice. And by following his advice and listening to his ideas, I have built up a couple of successful income streams.

My point isn't that my "guru" is the right one for everyone.

The point is to pick one or maybe a couple of people you really respect, and model them. Of course, make sure they are actually successful in their own businesses first.
But when you find someone you respect and whose style you like, listen to their advice and follow what they recommend in their writings.

***** Save Your Brain *****

Following this strategy can save lots of brain cells that you would spend switching strategies and tactics. It avoids confusion and gives you a good point of reference from which to work.
You don't have to keep reading and searching for the latest eBooks. Assume your guru knows the latest tactics and will advise you of how well they work.

I'm not saying you never look at another eBook or eZine again, it's just that you have one primary star you follow, it's that much easier to find your way.

Resource Box: Jeff Mulligan has an MBA and 20+ years of marketing experience as an ad agency Senior VP and VP Marketing for two software companies. Jeff owns CBmall, a site that provides 15 different ways for ClickBank affiliates to earn income on 1,997 ClickBank InfoProducts. http://www.smartvaluemall.com

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Managing Energy is the key...

Some thrive under pressure, others wilt. There is an epedemic of stress and burnout in our personal and work lives. We pride ourselves in our ability to multi-task and use computer aids to organize the demands on our time; we become more efficient and take more responsibilities, and with them, more stress.

Even when managing our time well we still end up exhausted and stressed, unable to concentrate, keep foucs and be productive. That's because the problem isn't time management, it's energy ...

Read the rest of the article here: http://www.herdlinger.com/unlimitedpotential/nov04a.pdf

I have a solution for you that might just work to leverage your time, effort and income:

Monday, November 01, 2004

Little Is The New Big

It seems that for us, it is getting harder and harder to compete against the so-called "big boys." With their budgets and know-how, big business seems to have it all over small business. What are we to do?


I could not disagree more. In fact, I will contend that there is, right now, a change occurring in business so profound, so new, and so unexpected, that things will never be the same.
We stand at the threshold of a new era, an era that will change business for sure, but which in fact is also changing the world at large. What revolution is that, you ask?

Little is the new big.

Not so long ago, big was big. The 1970s and '80s were a time when bigger was indeed better. Television was still ruled by the Big 3 networks and auto sales were dominated by the Big 3 automakers. Long distance telephone service was monopolistically handled by AT&T and corporate mergers turned large companies into corporate behemoths; Chevron's acquisition of Standard Oil in 1984 for $13 billion was the largest merger in history. Geopolitically, two giant superpowers ruled the globe.

But things began to change as the 1990s dawned. Politically, the breakup of the old Soviet Union and the Warsaw Bloc from monolith into 15 small republics and eight newly independent nations signaled a new era; an era where small yet nimble was suddenly more important, and more powerful, than big and cumbersome.

Both politically as well as business-wise, the tide from big to little has accelerated in this new century, bringing us now to a tipping point — where little is indeed the new big.
Consider these "little" innovations being pushed by big business:

  • The Mini Cooper auto
  • Apple's iPod Mini (Apple recently decided to delay its international launch of the hugely-successful product because domestic demand far exceeded supply)
  • Bitty Burgers — available from Levy's restaurants, these mini-burgers were available at four ballparks this year.
  • Google's little boxed, yet highly effective, ads

The causes, as I see it, are the twin tides of government deregulation and technological innovation. In the past 20 years, the energy, banking, airline, and telecommunications industries, among others, have been deregulated with the specific intent of creating small companies that could compete with the established titans. That such measures succeeded is beyond dispute.

Consider for example the airline industry. After deregulation, huge old stalwarts like the venerable Pan Am and the mighty TWA vanished into thin air because they could not compete with smaller, innovative upstarts like Southwest. Small beat big because small is quicker, leaner, meaner, hungrier, more entrepreneurial, and more innovative.

But it wasn't just legislation that got us to the point where small is big. The technological computer telecommunications revolution is equally responsible. It was the vision of some computer geeks in San Jose and Seattle that lit the match that set the world on fire. Both the home computer as well as the Internet have leveled the playing field and turned every little individual into potentially a big player:

Consider eBay. If ever there was proof that little is the wave of the future, eBay is it. eBay was founded in Pierre Omidyar's San Jose living room in September 1995 on his home computer. Since then, eBay has become one of the most successful companies of the new millennium by turning traditional business theory ("bigger is better") on its head. eBay succeeds by tapping the power of little, by allowing individuals to create a consortium of online mom-and-pops shops that, when taken together, has become the largest garage sale in history.

No, in business, bigger is no longer better. The disastrous AOL-Time Warner merger is proof of that. Today, the smart business must be return to its small entrepreneurial roots. It must think big but execute small. By so doing, it can not only react to change quickly and efficiently, but it can harness this new zeitgeist for its own benefit.

Can small business compete? You bet. Little is the new big.

Today's tip:

How does the captain of a huge ocean liner change course? Yes, he turns the ship's wheel, and the wheel turns the rudder. But it is not the rudder that turns the ship, it is actually a small subsection of the rudder called the trimtab. The tiny trimtab turns the rudder, and the little rudder turns the giant ship. It is the small business, and the big business that executes in a small way, that are the trimtabs of the new economy.

Steven D. Strauss writes a weekly Ask an Expert column focusing on issues related to business, particularly small businesses, such as tips on marketing and advertising, finances and employee relations. A lawyer, author, and public speaker, Steve has spoken around the world about entrepreneurship, including at the United Nations, and he has been on CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, "The O'Reilly Factor," and many other television and radio shows. His latest book is The Business Startup Kit. If you would like Steve to speak to your group, help your business grow, or if you would like to sign up for his free newsletter, "Small Business Success Secrets!" please visit his Web site www.mrallbiz.com.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Advantage of running an Internet Home Business

Interesting article!
When you are ready to learn more about successful home business management, come and visit my site and take a test-drive for free.
Advantage of running an Internet Home Business
By © Arthur, The Online Biz Home

Don't be mistaken that running a home or online business means you can relax, sleep late or conduct your business with your bathroom slippers.

Usually, it means that you need to maintain the same professionalism and work harder or even longer than anyone else that are working full time.

One advantage of a home or online business is that, it does not require you to quit your existing job immediately as you experiment with running a home or online business PART TIME before you plunge into full time commitment once it is successful.

Running a home or online business requires as much planning, dedication and thought as in your Full-time employment.

With your own online business, you can enjoy it and take a day off when your enthusiasm wanes and get back to it after a day rest.

The Internet offers you the best way to make money if you can put in a little effort to un-learn some of your pass lessons and re-learn the online business techniques.

While operating your online business, you will also learn lots about internet marketing, website construction, exchanging links with other site, writing and submittng your own free articles, optimizing webpage for the search engine as well as affiliate system and product line.

With today's affordable personal computer and internet accessibility, going online is a better choice if you:
- have a limited budget,
- need more time with your family,
- want to earn multiple income streams,
- want to work at the comfort of your home and schedule,
- need a second source of income,
- want an unlimited profit potential etc...

The Net allows you to reach a worldwide market. Billions of people are surfing around the world everyday and it is still increasing at a rapid rate.

Everyday, more and more people around the world are using the Internet to search and purchase items which they can't find locally and they are not bother by where the product is shipped from as long as it satisfied their needs.

Imagined your business having the global world as your customers with just a computer and modem with internet access at the comfort of your home.

Copyright © Arthur "Opportunity are often shy, you just have to keep looking for them." Learning and putting what you learn into Action is the key to success in operating a successful Work At Home Online Business. Visit: http://www.sap-basis-abap.com/homebusiness/

When you are ready to learn more about successful home business management, come and visit my site and take a test-drive for free.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Security for Internet Users Deemed Weak

How safe is YOUR COMPUTER?

Washington, DC -- Internet users at home are not nearly as safe online as they believe, according to a nationwide inspection by researchers. They found most consumers have no firewall protection, outdated antivirus software and dozens of spyware programs secretly running on their computers.

One beleaguered home user in the government-backed study had more than 1,000 spyware programs running on his sluggish computer when researchers examined it. ...

Read complete article: http://www.tripinfo.com/ITM/Articles2004/ITM782.html

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Join my group for this very special conference call!

Just follow this link. Ever heard of Terri Levine? You can join the conference call on Thursday afternoon, October 28th at 3pm CST/ 4pm EST.

But you must act fast! Read all about it here:

Taking Feedback to Heart!

How do you feel about getting feedback from others?
Do you feel criticized? Are you defensive?

Learn how to turn feedback into food for thought.
Change defensiveness into productive curiosity.

All of this and more in David's newsletter:

P.S. David Herdlinger is one of my great mentors. When I was unemployed 2 years ago, he took me under his wing and taught me some very valuable lessons. He is part of my success. He is part of my mastermind!

If you are looking for a coach (and I think everyone should have one!), give David a call. Let him know that Andy from Savannah sent you. Let him explain what he can do for and with you. It may be the most important call you ever made!

His number is 877-626-2960 (toll-free) or 912-634-9300

5 High-Impact Marketing Tips

5 High-Impact Marketing Tips
Copyright 2004 Bob Leduc

Here are 5 high-impact marketing tips you can use to boost your sales quickly. All are simple to implement and they involve little or no new expense.

1. Promote Only One Thing at a Time

Promote only 1 product or service each time you advertise. Many people have difficulty selecting one product when their decision forces them to delay or reject buying something else they also want. When prospects cannot make an easy choice they often make no decision at all ...and you lose the sale.

Tip: Offer new customers a related product or service immediately after they buy from you. Many will accept your offer, producing an easy sale without jeopardizing the initial purchase.

2. Provide Multiple Ways for Customers to Buy

Providing choices of what to buy will reduce your sales. But providing choices of how to buy will increase your sales. Offer many different ways for customers to buy from you. The same method is not convenient for everybody. Prospective customers are more likely to act immediately when their favorite way of ordering is available.

3. Avoid Your Competitors

Look for some new niche markets you and your competitors overlooked. You may uncover a market you can dominate with little or no competition.

One quick and easy way to find profitable new markets is to sub-divide your current market into several narrowly defined niche markets. Then customize your advertising to the unique needs of prospects in each niche market.

Tip: You can narrow the appeal of an existing web site without losing its effectiveness with your main market. Just create customized web pages for each market segment you want to target. Then add a link to each of these specialized pages on your home page.

4. Use Alternative Marketing

Look for alternative media your competitors may be overlooking. For example, many internet marketers are beginning to use direct mail postcards to generate traffic to their web sites. It's a low cost way to bypass the heavy competition online.

A brief captivating message on a postcard with an enticing offer sent to the right prospects will generate a flood of traffic to your website - or a large number of sales leads.

Tip: Postcards are also an excellent low-cost alternative to email. People get so much email today that even legitimate messages are getting deleted unread. But they get few if any postcards. Your message is guaranteed to get their attention when it's delivered on a postcard.

5. Encourage Questions

You're walking away from a lot of easy sales if you don't encourage prospects to ask questions about your product or service.

Only interested prospects will take the time to ask questions. Many will buy ...especially if you answer their question quickly and completely. You can even include a promotion for your product or service as part of your answer.

Make it easy for prospects to ask questions when they are at your web site or in other selling situations where there is no personal contact. For example, provide a phone number or an email address they can use to ask questions.

Tip: If you find yourself personally answering a lot of questions, add a Questions and Answers section to your web site or your sales brochure. Include the answers to the most frequently asked questions. It will reduce the number of questions you have to answer personally.
Each of these 5 marketing tips provides a simple way for you to boost your sales quickly ...and for little or no new expense.

Bob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses like yours find new customers and increase sales. He just released a New Edition of his manual, How To Build Your Small Business Fast With Simple Postcards ...and launched *BizTips from Bob*, a newsletter to help small businesses grow and prosper. You'll find his low-cost marketing methods at: http://BobLeduc.com or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Failure - A Formula for Success!

Do you feel discouraged at times? Does your business not go the way you envisioned? Did you hit a wall and are you looking for ways to get around it?

Don't despair! Failure is a valuable stepping stone! Read on:

Failure - A Formula for Success!Break the cycle of compulsory perfection and safety and ..... Dare to Fail!
by Debbie Knapp

Failure - A Formula for Success! At least, having the willingness to risk failure. After all, every success, every accomplishment, every triumph - great or small - was proceeded by failed attempts.

Far too often throughout our lives we’re reminded there is nothing more dreadful than that big ole red "F" accompanied by "What were you thinking?” or “Why didn’t you work harder?” and our own inner voice echoing “You’re a loser.”

Parents, teachers, coaches, business supervisors, religious authorities, and critics of all sorts have been responsible for dulling aspirations and destroying dreams. Mistakes are often proclaimed failures and subsequently punished, leaving many of us afraid to take risks. Often times these disciplines and evaluations were misguided attempts to correct and improve the individual. FAR too often, the opposite results.


Click here to read the entire article.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Vital Business Building Tools

If you are like me, an entrepreneur who is full of ideas and concepts, needing more than 24 hours per day to implement them, then I have found a tool you might want to try out.

The key for me has always been to find one "center of intelligence" from where I can find business building tools and information for my business without having to sign up and buy into dozens of programs.

The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs is just the solution I have been looking for. It is full of incredible expert information I depend on month after month. It gives me a competitive edge and let's me find marketing information I need at one location with the click of the mouse.

For more information, and to give it a test-drive yourself, go to http://www.smartecreation.com/iahbe_forsale

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Power of Influence

This is an amazing session! Take about 18 minutes to learn from this video clip. It tells me that indeed, you can reach whatever you set out for. Very inspiring to me, and I am sure you can take some valuable lessons from it as well.

MasteryTV's CEO, Tom Wood, gives you specific strategies to have the greatest impact possible on the people you have learned to build rapport with and network with.

Today's Expert -- Jim Stovall
Despite being faced with the challenge of total blindness, Jim Stovall is an Emmy Award Winner, Co-Founder and President of Narrative Television Network and a well-known speaker and author who tells the touching story of the unlikely person who impacted him most.

Today's Impact -- Create Momentum
Tom and Jim will help you get people excited about what you are doing, follow your lead and take action with you to pursue your mutual dreams.

Click here to watch the video:

Learn more about high quality programming and MasteryTV:

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Power of Associations

MasteryTV's CEO, Tom Wood, describes what he calls, the "hidden blocker to success" and the philosophy on a reason why people have not experienced all they aim for in life.

Watch the following 12 minute video clip and learn.

Darren Hardy: a self-made millionaire by the age of 27, Darren has helped start, promote and turn-around numerous companies. After building a direct sales force of over 100,000 people he sold it and became one of the most sought after direct marketing consultants in the world. He, better than anyone, can relate the impact of your associations.

Tom and Darren will guide you in the next step to becoming the person you need to be in order to have the things you want to have.

Here is the video clip: http://www1.masterytelevision.com/player/course/day5.htm

If you are interested in associating with postive people and messages like you have just seen, visit here and receive free information: http://www.mymasterytvbiz.com/smartecreation101

Friday, October 01, 2004

New Rules in Business

We live in a relative world. What I mean is whatever we think, say and do is looked at in relation to our reality, our world. Early on as babies we learned to conform to the rules of our parents, and then as we grow older, we accept the rules of society and business, often without ever challenging them.

We forget, however, that everyone we meet and interact with does not necessarily perceive the same reality. A factory worker has a different frame of reference than the CEO of a Fortune 500 company on how a business runs. The software engineer in India lives in quite a different culture than the farmer in Iowa, and, I'm sure, both measure their level of happiness and well-being on a different scale.

As we the world gets smaller and literally everyone can reach out globally to others through the internet, be it for recreation or business purposes, we ask the question:

What is the right frame of reference I should adhere to in my life and business?
Answer: Your own inner core values must be the compass leading you through life!

Granted, this is not always easy. For example, in business, what if my values seem to contradict what the business world calls "the the right way" to be successful and profitable?

Too often, those rule do not apply any longer and businesses try to hang on to them with the hope to maintain those profits of yesteryears.

Business rules have and will continue to change. Look at the world of Network Marketing and how it has revolutionized distribution and customer relations. In essence, Network Marketing allows individual affiliates and distributors to define their own values and live them every day.
It allows them to pick the people they want to work with, work as much or as little as they want, or in other words, again, to live in the freedom to define their own values and live them every day.

If you are in an employment situation that allows you to keep and live your personal values and goals - that's great. If not, you owe it to yourself to look around and find a better match.

Brian Tracy, my favorite coach and speaker, summarizes the Law of Business with its first law, the Law of Purpose:

"The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. This takes precendence over making a profit. Profits will follow when customers are created and kept."

As your own best customer first, search for your values and express them. Others will see those values in you and will be attracted to you, be it for business or friendship.

Andy Uhlig

4th Annual Digital Future Report

The internet undoubtedly has and will continue to change consumer shopping behavior. This 104 page report is very interesting. Take these facts into consideration when planning your own advertising campaigns.

Free Report:

Here are a few highlights:

- Multitasking gaining. 24.9% of users talk on the phone while surfing (add an 800# to your site and email campaigns pronto); and 27% listen to the radio while online (hey, radio ads are still pretty cheap, too).

- Only 9.5% of Net surfers think individuals' sites can be trusted to contain credible. So if you write a blog, include your reasons-to-trust-me credentials in your page template to reassure new visitors.

- 62.3% of users check email once a day or more (with 33.2% in the "more" camp), so if you send a daily newsletter, or put ads in them, assume a few issues will pile up in in-boxes. Also, maybe you should put a 48-hour deadline on customer alerts sent via email instead of 24 hours...

- Only 8.5% of users say they frequently shop in stores and then buy online. Compare this to 25.4% who frequently shop online and then buy in stores. Retail has nothing to worry about (unlike TV).

Free Report:

Source: http://www.marketingsherpa.com ; subscribe to the "Best-Weekly" newsletter; great information on marketing, advertising and PR on the internet, applicable for big and small businesses. I highly recommend this source!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Over 800,000 Millionaires in the US

An interesting statistic tells us that there are more than 832,000 millionaires living in the United States.

20.8% of them have made their fortunes since 1989 in networking/home business industry.

Conservative calculations estimate that networking/home based business is creating more than 40 new millionaires per day in the U.S.

Networking has been around for more than 50 years, and is not so much "a business" in itself as it is a way of doing business (it is a "marketing method" only). It is a concept of many people doing a little work as opposed to a few people doing a lot of work.

Have you found a way to share the work and wealth with others?

Andy Uhlig

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Low-Cost Marketing With Postcards

Bob Leduc http://BobLeduc.com

Here's a simple way you can generate lots of sales leads ...or traffic to your web site. Use postcards. They're highly effective and very low-cost. Plus, postcards provide the following 6 unique advantages over most other types of advertising.

1. Maximum Exposure for Your Sales Message

Postcards are delivered "ready to read". Even people who usually ignore other advertising will find it hard to avoid looking at your message when it's on a postcard ...especially if you keep it brief.

With other types of advertising you often lose prospects who would have been interested in your offer ...but they never saw it.

2. Simple and Low-Cost

Postcards are simple to produce - and very low-cost. You can print 4 x 6 inch postcards on your own computer for less than 2 cents each. Or you can reduce the cost down to about 1 cent each if you print 4 at a time on 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of card stock and cut the sheets into quarters.

Even postcards printed by a commercial printer are not expensive ...usually about 4 cents to 8 cents each.

The postage for mailing postcards is low too. In the US you can send postcards by First Class Mail for only 23 cents. This reduced postage rate applies to postcards that are at least 3 1/2 x 5 inches but not over 4 1/4 x 6 inches.

3. Get Immediate Results

Because postcards are simple and easy to use - they produce results quickly. Often your postcards can be mailed within a week from the time you decide to use them. You will start getting replies 2 or 3 days later.

4. Gain Control of Your Sales Activity

Postcards put you in control of your sales activity. You can avoid getting too many or too few responses during any time period by regulating how many postcards you mail and how often you mail them.

That means you can quickly boost your sales activity anytime it slows down. And you can avoid losing customers you can't handle immediately because you got flooded with too much activity at one time.

5. No Wasted Advertising Expense

Postcards enable you to spend your entire advertising budget on your best prospects. You don't have to pay for advertising to a large audience in order to reach a few good prospects.

With a little advance planning you can make sure your postcards only go to prospects likely to be interested in what you offer ...and who also have a prior history of acting on offers that interest them.

For example, analyze your customers and make a list of the characteristics they share. Then call several national mailing list brokers and tell them what you are looking for. You'll be surprised at how specific some mailing lists are today.

6. Can Evaluate Results Quickly

Postcards normally generate 90 percent or more of their total number of replies within 7 to 10 days. This enables you to quickly and accurately evaluate the results of postcard advertising. You'll know in about a week if you can confidently send more of the same postcards - or if you need to make some changes.

Don't overlook postcards when you want to generate sales leads - or web site traffic. They're highly effective, very low-cost ...and they provide these 6 unique advantages you cannot get with most other types of advertising.

Bob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses like yours find new customers and increase sales. He just released a New Edition of his manual, How To Build Your Small Business Fast With Simple Postcards ...and launched *BizTips from Bob*, a newsletter to help small businesses grow and prosper. You'll find his low-cost marketing methods at: http://BobLeduc.com or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV

Monday, September 27, 2004

Benefits of Submitting Articles to Ezines

Written by: Robert Kleine

Writing and submitting articles to ezines is one of the best ways to brand yourself and your business. It's also completely free. Here are a few of the many reasons why it should be included as an essential part of your marketing plan.

1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.

2. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition.

3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure.

4. You might get extra exposure if the e-zine publisher archives their ezine on their site. People might want to read the back issues before they make the decision to subscribe.

5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You could buy advertisements in other e-zines that don't publish your articles.

6. You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your income.

7. You could allow e-zine publishers to publish your articles in their free ebooks. Since people give them away, your advertising could multiply all over the internet.

8. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an ezine publisher that has a free content directory on their web site. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article.

9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your product or service. You will then be able to increase your profits.

10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in an ezine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your ezine if, in exchange, they run yours in their ezine. It's a win/win situation.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Virtual Marketing beats Face-to-Face

Virtual Marketing beats Face to Face!

Why "Virtual" beats the "Face to Face" approach to marketing By Max Steingart


There are Six reasons why "Virtual" beats the "Face to Face" approach to marketing.

1. Convenience
2. Direct access to more people
3. People are easier to approach
4. Rejection is eliminated
5. Targeting is easier
6. It's more fun

1. Convenience

Anytime it's convenient, you can sit down at your computer and have someone to talk to online. You have access to 150 million people that are online at the same time you are, and you're free to contact any of them when you know where to find them and how to use Instant Messaging.

2. Direct access to more people

Long distance doesn't exist online. You can meet people virtually that live across town from you, that you would never meet otherwise and send them to your website or invite them to your next business briefing or home party. From the comfort of your home, you can connect with people in the city your company holds regional or national conventions and meet them when you travel to the event. You can even establish relationships with people in other countries where your company does business and you won't need a passport to do it.

3. People are easier to approach

Sending an Instant Message to someone is an easy way to connect with a stranger online. On the Internet, you can use a "Screen Name" and "Profile" that gives you instant credibility and positions you to be immediately liked by everyone you contact. Let's face it, people like talking to people that like the same things they do or that are in the same line of work. Don't you?

4. Avoid rejection

Rejection disappears on the Internet because you know about a person prior to contacting them. The Internet profiles of other people help you identify the people that are ambitious or lazy, positive or negative. If you can pick the "Green" M&M's out of a bowl of candy, you can easily identify the best people online to talk to based on their screen name and the contents of their Internet profile Instead of going through 100 "No's" to get a "Yes" when you're prospecting in person, you can get eight out of ten people you contact via Instant Messaging to look at your business because you've read their Internet "Profile" which tells you all about them.

5. Targeting is easier

If you prefer talking to doctors, teachers, stay at home mom's, retired people or any type of profession about your business, it's a simple process to find them online. There are online Member Directories that let you search for people that have specific words in their Internet profile, so you can target the best people to talk to. You can actually talk to a physician online easier than you could by trying to make an appointment to see him in his office. With the click of your mouse you can find people that share your passion for a hobby and make a new friend by sending a simple Instant Message.

6. It's more fun

Let's face it, the reason most people fail in network marketing is that they run out of their warm market and stop building their business. On the Internet, the world is your warm market. You'll be amazed at the thousands of wonderful people that are online that share your interests, values and experiences that are waiting to hear from you. You can make a new friend in minutes. The old "Three Foot Rule" has been replaced with a new one. "When you're sitting in front of your computer, you're within three feet of the entire online world.. Once a virtual relationship has been made, it's easy to move it to the phone and then to a face to face meeting. Savy network marketers have learned that they can use the virtual world to contact a stranger online and then establish a relationship with them. Millions of people are doing it right now as you're reading this.

Max Steingart is the author of: Shaking Hands on the Internet; Success Online; Your Daily Motivation; Relationships Online; Make the Internet Your Warm Market; and Innovation - The Path to Success. Visit http://www.successway.com to find out more.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Business Health Checklist

What do the successful do in business to be and remain healthy and sustainable? Here is a checklist:

Know what they want out of life- Have direction and dreams- Are not confused and lostLearn how to become TOP PRODUCERS and LEADERS- It is better to be signed by a Top Producer than to refer one yourself- This way, you can learn HOW a Top Producer achieves- Mentioning that your leader is a Top Producer is a great recruiting tool.

Apply Action dailyORGANIZED- Does not waste too much time looking for documents

Keeps accurate records of transactionsInterested in other PROFITS and financial success- Cares about the needs of their customers (clients) and the associates in their team.

ANSWERING MACHINE or voice mail service-
Can be reached easily by phone, email, and/or cell phone. RETURN CALLS promptly- They do not leave people with the feeling that they are not important.

INFORMED ON HOW to succeed in home based business/business/networking-
Keeps learning new things by reading and studying and applying what is learned

COMMUNICATES on a regular basis with their team

This is where most people fail and few succeed (our system does this like no other system - see below)

Have a 90-day, 6 month, 12 month, and 24 month plan. Does not get DISCOURAGED by small problems and inconveniences- Are consistent, persistent, and persevere.

They know that anything can happen to the best companies (called life - nothing is for sure in business)

Serious about what they are doing in business-
They know the WHY for what they are doing.

Does not mean they think more of who they are than others, but believe in who they are.

Are Never LAZY-
Reaps the rewards of their organization's effort by being an example.

They think things through before acting- They support their team- They always encourage. Represents a company that has a great retail product/service with a great price- Reliable product and/or service. Handle the complaints of clients and associates- They do not ignore people- They do not look at this as a problem, but as a solution giver- Finds a solution for each challenge.

RECOGNIZES and PRAISES organization and team achievers-
Praises people during good acts.

WORKS their business WEEKLY-
They know that "Steady plodding brings prosperity"

GLAD for others successes-
Love to see others get ahead in life.

Never blame the company, the product(s)/service(s), the marketing plan, the compensation structure, lack of support from others, etc.- They realize that if others can succeed under similar circumstances, they can too- Takes responsibility.

Realistic about EXPECTATIONS for their effort-
Knows that dreams, supported by their goals, that have come from their WHY takes time and work.

Are in contact with POSITIVE people-
"Birds of a feather flock together"

Willing to put out the necessary effort to earn the money desired.

Pass TIMELY INFORMATION to their team immediately-
Communicates and engages everyone in their team

Does something about what is bothering them.

Does not SWITCH to other companies and groups without first achieving some degree of success- Focuses on building one company over time.

Does not get involved in CHAIN LETTERS, illegal pyramids, and other schemes-
Their product and/or service is competitively priced in the market.

Does not depend on SPILL-OVER in matrix programs-
Depends on personal effort and never want something for nothing.

Are willing to TAKE RISKS such as investing in advertising, brochures, flyers, etc.-

Are not security-oriented-
Being in business for yourself will require you to spend money and invest time to make money.
Does not wait and watch.

Does not take "NO" personally-
No Only means "not now - give me a good reason to say yes" or "this is the wrong time in my life"- Does not give up because people say no.

Copes with CHANGES from the company/team/group-
Flexible in thinking - LIFE changes all of the time.

Believes in the product(s) and service(s)-
Not just in it for the money.

Not INFLUENCED by negative comments from family members, relatives, friends- Does not listen to both sides (positive and negative)- Can think for themselves- Thinks about the Wright brothers and what they were telling people ... "We are going to teach people how to fly in the sky" - How about Bill Gates - "Invest in our company - Microsoft - a little company in Washington that will help people communicate with each other all over the world?."

Spends very little TIME getting organized and a lot of time talking to potential team players and clients.

Understands there is no perfect company-
In fact, the longer the company has been in business, the more complaints and bad marks against them.

Plans to SUCCEED-
Plans to win.

Has a professional APPEARANCE

Does not give EXCUSES

Does not think they know everything-
"The more you learn, the less you know". Keeps up with the latest happenings in the business world, the industry, the Internet, marketing, etc.

Are Physically Fit-
Has energy and passion about what they are doing.

Strives to do their BEST-

Does not believe in RUMORS-
Checks the facts and the source of information.

Believe that: "IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME!"

Embraces the WORK in netWORKing

Explore our system for successful internet-based home business success:

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Getting beyond our stories...

Great newsletter from my coach.

It talks about how we make assumptions about others and their actions and how these assumptions very often lead us to reactions and thought patterns that are damaging to relationships.

There is a simple way around this common problem. Read the newsletter and find out.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Consumer Trends

"If only I could see into the future and predict what's going to be hot next year...."

That would be great. Get in early on a trend. Create a product or service around it. Cash in big. Well, I discovered an awesome web page http://www.trendwatching.com .

There are over 3,000 "trendwatchers" out there reporting on what they see coming. They observe consumer behaviour, trends etc. and report on it. I love visiting this site. It opens my mind...and who knows, some day I may have a million dollar idea to address one of these trends!

Check it out at http://www.trendwatching.com They also have a free newsletter.

Never try to hard-sell an affiliate product or service

If you really want to start earning good commissions from the affiliate programs you join, then you must understand that hard-selling is not the way to go; this means that banners alone just won't do it, the best way to make an affiliate sale is to 'romance' your visitors into it...

This can be done by writing a product review, a personal endorsement or an article related to the topic or niche you are targeting and posting it on your website. Give your visitors good information and they'll consider you an expert on the subject... and of course, they'll be much more open to your suggestions or recommendations.

When you're writing the article or product review keep this in mind: The idea is not to sell, the idea is to get the prospect interested enough to go visit a website (a much easier task). Consider banners and other affiliate graphics as good re-inforcements for your message.

For more tips on advertising, go to http://www.advertisingknowhow.com
and http://www.advertisingknowhow.com/forum

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

A Better Life...Only a DECISION Away!
One single, "mental move" has the power to create incredible success...by Bob Proctor

There is a single mental move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter, and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. We have a name for this magic mental activity ... it is called DECISION.

Decisions or the lack of them are responsible for the breaking or making of many a career. Individuals who have become very proficient at making decisions, without being influenced by the opinions of others, are the same people whose annual incomes fall into the six and seven figure category. However, it's not just your income that is affected by decisions; your whole life is dominated by this power. The health of your mind and body, the well-being of your family, your social life, the type of relationships you develop … all are dependent upon your ability to make sound decisions.

So, how is a person expected to develop this mental ability? Quite simply, as the commercial says, "Just do it." Decision making brings order to your mind, and of course, this order is then reflected in your objective world ... your results.

Indecision sets up internal conflicts that can, without warning, escalate into all out mental and emotional wars. Psychiatrists have a name to describe these internal wars - ambivalence. My Oxford Dictionary tells me that ambivalence is the co-existence in one person of opposite feelings toward the same objective.

You do not require a doctorate degree in psychiatry to understand that you are going to have difficulty in your life by permitting your mind to remain in an ambivalent state for any period of time. The person who does permit it to exist will become very despondent and virtually incapable of any type of productive activity. It is obvious that anyone who finds themselves in such a mental state is not living; at best, they are merely existing. A decision or a series of decisions would change everything.

A very basic law of the universe is "create or disintegrate". Indecision causes disintegration. How often have you heard a person say, "I don't know what to do." How often have you heard yourself say, "What should I do?" Think about some of the indecisive feelings you and virtually everyone on this planet experience from time to time. Love them; leave them. Quit, stay. Do it, don't do it. Buy it, don't buy it. Tell them, don't tell them.

Everyone, on occasion, has experienced these feelings of ambivalence. If it happens to you frequently, decide right now to stop it. The cause of ambivalence is indecision, but we must keep in mind that the truth is not always in the appearance of things. Indecision is a cause of ambivalence, however it is a secondary cause, it is not the primary cause. I have been studying the behavior of people who have become very proficient at making decisions for over a quarter century. They all have one thing in common. They have a very strong self image, a high degree of self-esteem. They may be as different as night is to day in numerous other respects, but they certainly possess confidence. Low self-esteem or a lack of confidence is the real culprit here. Decision makers are not afraid of making an error. If and when they make an error in their decision, or fail at something, they have the ability to shrug it off. They learn from the experience but they will never submit to the failure.

There is one cardinal rule with respect to decision making: decide right where you are with whatever you've got. This is precisely why most people never master this important attribute. They permit their resources to dictate if and when a decision will or can be made. When John Kennedy asked Wernher Von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and return him safely to earth, his answer was simple and direct. "The will to do it." President Kennedy never asked if it was possible. He never asked if they could afford it or any one of a thousand other questions, all of which would have ... at that time ... been valid questions.
President Kennedy made a decision ... he said, we will put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth before the end of the decade. The fact that it had never been done before in all the hundreds of thousands of years of human history was not even a consideration. He DECIDED where he was with what he had. The objective was accomplished in his mind the second he made the decision. It was only a matter of time ... which is governed by natural law, before the goal was manifested in form for the whole world to see.

The greatest stumbling block you will encounter when making important decisions in your life is circumstance. We let circumstance get us off the hook when we should be giving it everything we've got. More dreams are shattered and goals lost because of circumstance than any other single factor.

Let's consider money with respect to our decision making process. You should never let the lack of funds determine whether you will or will not do something. Think about it for a moment. When you decided to buy your first home, did you just happen to have a couple hundred thousand dollars sitting in the bank? I don't think so, I know I didn't. But, the minute you made the decision to buy the home, the money seemed to appear - just like unadulterated magic. Somehow you came up with the down payment; you may have had to scrimp and save every extra penny … but you did it. And if you were honest with yourself, you probably had enough money to buy new curtains and a bevy of other things for the new home. The minute you make the decision to do something, you will attract to you all that is requisite for the realization of that goal.

Whether you can afford it or not should never be a consideration. Whether you want to or not is the only consideration. You can afford anything; there is an infinite supply of money. All of the money in the world is available to you, when the decision is firmly made. If you need money, you will attract it.

How often have you caught yourself saying, "I would like to do or have this but I can't because ..." Whatever follows "because" is the circumstance. Circumstances may cause a detour in your life but you should never permit them to stop you from making important decisions.
Napoleon said, "Circumstances, I make them."

The next time you hear someone say they would like to vacation in Paris, or purchase a particular automobile but they can't because they have no money, explain they don't need the money until they make the decision to go to Paris or purchase the car. When the decision is made, they will figure out a way to get the amount needed. They always do.

Many misguided individuals try something once or twice and if they do not hit the bulls-eye, they feel they are a failure. Failing does not make anyone a failure, but quitting most certainly does and quitting is a decision. By following that form of reasoning, you would have to say when you make a decision to quit, you make a decision to fail.

Take the first step in predicting your own prosperous future. Build a mental picture of exactly how you would like to live. Make a firm decision to hold on to that vision and positive ways to improve everything will begin to flow into your mind.

Your life is important and, at its best, life is short. You have the potential to do anything you choose, and to do it well. But, you must make decisions and when the time for a decision arrives, you must make your decision where you are with what you've got.

Bob Proctor is a legendary network marketer, coach and communicator, is one of my great resources I draw from to build my home business. Here is one of his articles. Enjoy and implement! If you'd like to learn more about Bob Proctor, go to http://www.bobproctor.com/
Make a decision first. Then go out and get the tools. I can help you develop your own internet business. Find out more here: http://www.smartecreation.com/workfromhome

Monday, September 13, 2004

Can you catch the Bird?

Let me set the stage: Friday evening, 6pm at City Market in Savannah, Georgia. I am sitting in an outdoor cafe waiting for mypizza. City market is slowly filling up with tourists and locals, getting ready to enjoy the weekend.

There is this little girl, probably about 5 years old. She has this glow in her eyes and a face full of joyful expression as she chases a little bird, a sparrow, that is trying to pick up crumbs from the ground. And of course, as soon as the girl gets close to the bird, it flies off, only to land again a few feet away. The girl giggles and keeps on chasing it. This repeats itself for the next fifteen minutes, and the girl persists, full of excitement and a big smile on her face.

What is she doing? Does she really think she can catch the bird? - It doesn't really matter. It is the excitement of the POSSIBILITY that she might actually catch it. But she won't, because she does not realize that the bird is scared of her laughing, stomping, clapping and sudden jumps. If by any chance she were to ge a hold of the bird, she probably would be terrified of that little being flapping its wings wildly in her grasp.

I am sure, as she grows older, she will get more resourceful and will realize that she has a better chance to get a close look at this bird by sitting very still and perhaps lay out some bread crumbs to attract it closer to her.

Resourcefulness and Planning - that's the lesson of this story.

Think about the bird being a dream or a goal of yours. This may be a very rare bird that is hard to spot, i.e. a dream so big and far removed from you current reality that you have never thought about seriously pursueing it.

With a detailed action plan, YOU CAN bring these goals into your reality. But you must be resourceful and persistent in their pursuit. Ask yourself these questions and then act upon them:

-- What are my goals and dreams? Examine all of them, regardless how ridiculous or far-fetched they may seem to you.

-- Do I have them written down? Put them on paper and read them often. Write them out in great detail. Think about what you will be, have and do once you reachthem. Write down how you will feel and who else in your circle of influence will be part of your fulfilled dream. Keep them in frontof you every day and review them so they may become part of your daily routine.

-- Do I have a plan how to reach my goals? Look at the step-by-step actions you'll have to take to movetowards these goals, however small these steps are, they are significant. Remember that a 1-mile walk starts with your first step.

The little girl just doesn't know better at her age and she chases the bird without a purpose. What we can learn from her, however, is that she has ENTHUSIASM. Even though she has no success (=failure) she keeps on going, trying and persisting with a joyful attitude.

It is the journey toward success that should be enjoyable and fun. If it is not, then the dream is not worth pursueing.

For me, the SFI business opportunity is the perfect vehicle that teaches me to be resourceful. It gives me the skills and tools I need to "catch my bird". Like with the pursuit of that bird, SFI and any business project requires patience, persistence, passion and enthusiasm.

So I ask you today: Where is your bird, and can you catch it?

==> For more information on building your home business, visit http://www.smartecreation.com/workfromhome

Sunday, September 12, 2004

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If you'd like to control your own financial future, create multiple streams of income and enjoy life-time residual income, then you owe it to yourself to check this out. It is absolutely FREE.

P.S. I have an affiliate in my group who just recently joined. She is doing extremely well now. She learned about our business last year, but decided it was not for her. She said that if only she had she taken the time to check it out in depth last year, she would be so much better off today. - Don't make that same mistake! Check it out right now. It is free!

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